In todays modern world traveling is undertaken by an individual on account of education, service, business, medical treatment, marriage, pilgrimage, tourism etc. this traveling involves being away from home, city, state and country. These are the frequent questions asked for the foreign travel.
1. Where will I travel abroad?
2. Will I settle down in abroad?
3. How would be my foreign trip?
4. Which one is better foreign or home country?
5. In which direction I may go?
6. Will I go to sacred places or pilgrimage during this year?
7. Will I get Visa?
8. Will I get expansion of Visa?
In this comprehensive report our pandit ji will analyze native horoscope and effects of transit of major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. After minute analyzes the above factor and strength of your horoscope and concerned planets, pinpoint predictions will be given concerning traveling in the year ahead.
So, call us on our given number and get an appoinment fix.